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Lozzi Publishing

Lozzi Publishing
Lozzi Publishing, founded by the publisher Franco Lozzi, is a publishing house specialised in tourism. It is part of the Lozzi Publishing Group and its origins can be traced back to the publishing house founded in 1935 by publisher and printer Romolo Lozzi, to whom the Comune di Roma dedicated a road in 2009, in honour of his publishing endeavours dedicated to the Capital. Lozzi Publishing is a multifaceted publishing house, but it specialises in tourism, producing road maps for the tourist cities in Northern Italy, as well as informative guides and guides to food and wine, and the traditions of national or local Italian culture. It keeps a constant eye on new trends and the evolution of the tourism sector, and is committed to creating new ways of conveying information and promoting Italy. It edits two portals dedicated to leisure and relaxation: and Not forgetting its link with the Roman territory, in which it is also based – in the heart of the historic district of “Monteverde” – in 2011 it created the fiction series “REMO – Another Way of Telling Rome,” (“REMO – l’altro modo di raccontare Roma”), in which great authors of the past and present give voice to the Eternal city and its moods and scenery. The books also contain maps of the city to contextualize the described locations. Franco Lozzi’s passion for football led to the series Voglia di Calcio, first published in 1994. It has now been a publishing success for 23 years, thanks to the large number of football fans who have always supported it. Lozzi Publishing is also active in the tourism sector in ways that are not strictly editorial. In 2013, it joined the GPS Group, a national mailing service for tourist postcards, of which it is an ambassador in the cities of Venice, Verona, Milan, and Turin, where it has been present for many years with its own tourist publications.
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