Edizioni Cartografiche Lozzi was founded by publisher and printer Romolo Lozzi, who in 1949 published the first road map of Rome, followed by a series of tourist and cartographic publications. In the following years, its catalogue expanded with several editions that have always had considerable success. Today, Edizioni Cartografiche Lozzi publishes updated maps of Rome, Florence, and Naples. Many types of maps are distributed, above all in Rome, where the company has its headquarters, ranging from those which are more touristy (with the layouts of monuments and information in various languages) to more extensive and detailed ones (extended city layouts divided into postcode areas and municipalities, GRA ring road exits, etc.). In addition to the numerous publications which are constantly renewed in terms of graphic style and updated with the Municipality of Rome’s toponym resolutions, Edizioni Cartografiche Lozzi also produces customised maps, specially created according to the needs of customers who want to insert the logo and images of their company or work structure. The main customers for these types of editions are hotels, bed & breakfasts, and holiday homes.
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